kruunuThe Keisari Books

kirjat ja pöytälippu

The family association has published five family books so far: Vilppu Keisarin suku I: Keisarinmäeltä maailmalle, Vilppu Keisarin suku II: Keisarin mulikoita, Vilppu Keisarin suku III, Vilppu Keisarin suku IV: Mulikoista Piispoihin and the newest Vilppu Keisarin suku Ib: Keisarinmäeltä maailmalle. The books are illustrated by artist Aira Niemi-Pynttäri.
Books can be ordered from Pirjo Koivumäki , contact information in Contacts.

The price of one book is 20 euros + shipping costs. Book IV is 10 euros + shipping costs.

A list of the persons appearing on the family books is available here.

I Vilppu Keisarin suku - Filip Kejsars släkt

Represents five generations of the descendents of Vilppu Keisari (1562-1671) and Marketta Hämäläinen (1585-1671). 5500 persons, articles in Finnish and Swedish, drawings by Aira-Niemi Pynttäri. 700 pages. Still couple of books at the store.

II Keisarin Mulikoita - Kejsar ättlingarna Mulicka

The genealogical data begin from Susanna Erkintytär Keisari (1708-1783) and Paavo Erkinpoika Mulikka (1704-1776). Susanna Keisari is a 5th generation descendent of Vilppu and Marketta. Susanna and Paavo had 15 children and 13 of them got married and 11 got children. This book presents seven children. Three of them had children: Heikki (15.8.1726), Antti (3.1.1731) and Matts (15.2.1736). 12400 persons, articles in Finnish and Swedish, drawings by Aira-Niemi Pynttäri. 864 pages.

Books III, IV and X >>